Thursday, May 17, 2007

brown dog churns out europe

In true Westy fashion our original meeting plans went up in flames, however, this would not have been a surprise to those around the brown dog. Sitting in Spanish bar on the Tuesday morning as he began to open the flood gates of fury before boarding (in theory) his flight to Prague where i was eagerly awaiting the grand arrival, telling anyone with ears how my friend was arriving and we were going to teach this town a lesson it wouldn't soon forget. However, in Barcelona the thirst was only growing and the perception of time receding. Needless to say, 'there was a mix up with the airlines, long story, tell you later bro...' and two and a half days later, still sitting on one hand with a beer in the other brown dog arrives in Prague, 'BROWN DOG' gets holla'd across a 4 lane highway from the nearest bar and we're away.

His first night in Prague, i had us lined up a party to go to. The instructions read: Get a tram to Kobylisy, followed by a bus to Veltrusy. From the Vesltrusy stop, walk to the bridge over a canal and you will see a tent underneath with a party inside. Probably the second worst (for the record, Liam you own the worst) set of instruction i have ever had, however we managed to find the bus stop (one of three Veltrusy stops) and walked around for a couply hours until dark with no luck and retired back to the bus stop for a good catch up session while consuming our rations. The desired effect was had but a bit more of a mission in the making than each of us desired.

At the start of the second week the TDU-1 (Brown Dog and I) found itself camped at a friends place in Brno, Czech Rep. Brno has the distinction of having the most amazing and almost completely tranquilising open-air homo sapien wildlife reserve. The quality of the specimens is quite astonishing. Any man looking for some high quality tusks to mount above his fireplace combined with low quality local hunters is urged to visit the reserve. One fateful night the hunt ended with one member of the TDU-1 dancing with two high quality specimens only to return home empty handed, while the other much more concentrated on a single target ended the night with a glancing shot but also empty handed, and then as to rub salt in the wounds was unable to penetrate the living quarters and slept on a polystyrene block outside the front door.

Very short stops in Poland (Krakow and Zakopane) and Germany (Berlin) followed Czech Rep. However no matter how short a stop, the brown dog couldn't keep his nose out of the game. I came back after making dinner one night and he had made buddies with a middle aged gentleman sleeping in our dorm. The middle aged gentleman took a liking to the gypsy skinned Maori boy from NZ and let it be known the last night we were there, ha. Ask Matt for further details, if he even has to mention my name to finish the story I ensure you he is completely distorting the truth.

That's a taste of the journey we shared, let the good times roll. My hope of working in Denmark has all but totally evaporated, still considering a terrorist attack on the danish embassy just for good measure (joking!). All travel plans are in the air at them moment but as I am coming up the 6 month / half way point I will put up another general post soon.


Nina said...

Well...I don't know Dan, I heard it was you that guy in Zakopane was after. There's nothing to be ashamed of though, everybody deserves a little bit of love now and then!

Liam said...

Stop complaining, at least you got to your destination.
So man love your thing now. Wait till I tell everyone that one.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your comments nina but i dont need your tainted view on this topic;)

Unknown said...

hahahaha, i like your writing style danny boi, i had forgotten about your blog, well never again, its gold!
Go for that trifector