My impression of Kenya has been a contradictory one, on one side I have met many many nice people and have had many very good conversations, received many meals and other gifts. On the other hand there are some really bad people here, the poor girls that i met on the plane and shared a taxi with were hijacked at gun point within hours of being in Nairobbery being a prime, but not isolated example. The roads throughout the north are plagued with bandits and i have known of people being stopped and killed on the very roads i have had to use in the days before and after my journeys. Also the weather, we have had some good and some bad but each day itself seems to appreciate and value the sunset, accordingly the skies clear and the sun retreats directly over the horizon to my enjoyment. There are also many tourists here, but a distinct lack of travelers.
The safari has been running for about two weeks now, the closest that i got to a safari vehicle was sitting on top of a livestock truck straddling a 1.5 inch bar for 8 hours over the worst road that i have ever traveled. The road wasn't so bad in that it was impassible but that it was just good enough to encourage the driver to do a normal road speed, the casualty being the safety and limbs of all aboard. The feeling has yet to return to my bum and both palms are still glowing like a ripe apple due to the frequent and fearful white knuckle fever as i and the other Africans balanced ducking under thorn tree branches and held on during the brief periods of flight. Oh well at least the goats will break my fall.
All this while looking for the wildlife, snapping the occasional picture and ensuring my hat and glasses don't fly off to oblivion, the fate for two of my co pilots. Their hats were last seen being stamped on my zebra as we sailed into the distance, the metaphor holds quite correct as the truck is more like a large ocean going vessel as complaint of articles lost overboard will result in nothing, if not laughter.
For any adventurers (or those on a budget) looking to make a repeat journey, here are a couple of tips for what i like to think of as "the That Guy speed cooking equivalent safari":
- don't wear white
- bring a head mounted collision absorption appendage
- have your camera ready at all times and don't drop it
- don't eat the yellow snow
Insane. You are INSANE. I can't believe no one has killed you yet. I put $10 on you having 12 days left.
Oh crap... hope I haven't cursed you with that. I'd feel a little bad if that actually happened.
So, for the record - just kidding.
good stuff! enjoy mate! btw, i will be in dubai, india and amsterdam between 15 dec to 7th jan. if you want to stop by in dubai on your way, you got a place, guide and a drinking buddy.
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