Wednesday, January 9, 2008

final wrap up

I am home (where i belong as one friend aptly put it) and the tales of quickly falling back into the old way of life, as if nothing has changed, appear to resonate. However, the appearance it may be but something has changed. I am not the same person that i was one year ago, but hey, that's nothing special i never have been.

Is the time right? yes, yes it is. However, that does not make it good or bad to be home again. Travel is something special and when your away for long periods the bar continues to raise and some experiences begin to lose context. For example, i was talking to Dad this morning and saying how when beaver and i started our trip and had long bus journeys we wouldn't drink or eat for a long time beforehand, prepare head rests, clothing and generally plan and considered it a mission. However over the last couple months it all became common place, walking to the taxi stands and seeing where i can get, recently accepting a 35 hour bus with no previous intention. Just a minor example but indicative of the larger point.

New Zealand is a stunning country. Reverse culture shock I'm not sure, but perhaps reverse cultural intrigue. Smaller than i remembered, but more dense. A little of the general negativity and complaining among citizens, but that's just a function of lack of global perspective and distorted images portrayed by the media. Big people, but softly spoken. New Zealander's are patriotic, and more patriotic when they travel, and ultimately patriotic when they return.

I am just going through the process of finding a job. I've had some interviews and have more coming up. Things are looking positive but it will be a few weeks before i remove myself from the industrial reserve army.

To all the people that I met along the way, thanks a million, you're all wonderful. And to all those in NZ thanks for making the effort to keep in touch and if i haven't seen you in person yet i am making my way around and will no doubt run into you soon in this wonderful country of ours.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dan
It was very interesting to meet you. Your travell changed you and you will change people.
It was really exciting to read about your way. Keep in touch.
I wait for you in Argentina.

Anonymous said...

Kiss from Prag, Dan. Hope to see you someday. Sorry...I should send the email, but..I have a new office in Prag and now I'm going to Berlin, and the
But you know. Nice greetings to you family, Petra

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan

Good to see you had a great time in your OE. Hope to meet you sometime..

Sriram (from Uni)

Anonymous said...

Hugs from Lithuania...
remember me:)
Yes Dan, its Lina:)
Nice photos and interesting coments about where and how you travelled...
well, home to see you here in my country or maybe in NZ:)

Unknown said...

Dan, your blog was great, and I thought your wrap-up was beautifully written - are you considering dropping engineering and taking up a career as a travel writer?