Saturday, December 23, 2006

Adventures of The Power House

We are just chilling out with the guy formerly referred to as Nick or Skidder but now exclusively known as Power House or more formally as The Power House. So yeah he is now at night four and each night has brought a new adventure.

Night 1, a couple of beers down and I decided to put myself to bed (~2km away) after telling matt and power house that I was just going toilet. They caught me a few hundred meters down the road getting a feed. That aside back to the adventures of power house, some time in the middle of the night he made a trip to the toilet and locked himself out of our cave, so he proceeded (in vain) to wake us up by yelling, climbing the wall and breaking the mosquito screens to the windows about 2.5m off the ground. At this point he accepted his fate (at the advice of the unhappy neighbours) and went to sleep in the hallway.

Night 2, power house got drunk and again woke up to piss in the middle of the night; however this time he learnt his lesson from the previous night and didn’t leave the room.

Night 3 and power house made a bed for him on the beach while we were drinking, then on my advice made a stagger for home. Later that night he was man down again due to his inability to balance himself on a double bed (while lying).

Night 4 and power house is down, I repeat its 7pm and power house is down. Cause: overdeveloped boy syndrome, effect: full system failure, prognosis: hassle, torment and abuse for the next two weeks.

1 comment:

Nikki Elisabeth said...

hahaha Fecking useless. Honestly, what do they do out West if not drink? You'd think he'd have it a bit more together than that.